Friday, October 24, 2008

Election Pending

Election Day is approaching. Quickly. Normally this is an event that I anticipate and look forward to seeing the outcome of. This year, as is probably noticeable by the scarcity of articles published here, I am not very interested. No matter who is elected, I will not be rejoicing. The kind of change we will get from either candidate as President will most likely not be for the better of the country. It will just be a different rate of decline. McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as a vice presidential running mate did not strengthen his position of favor in my book - neither did it detract. It, in essence, did nothing to change or sway my opinions about him. What I wrote earlier concerning his candidacy still holds true, and while I shudder to think of 4-8 years of an Obama presidency, a McCain presidency holds no charms either.

We've had eight years of a republican president and where has it gotten us? Not to a great spot as anybody who pays even the littlest bit of attention knows. The democrats already have Congress. Let them have the White House for four years and they can take full blame for everything. Maybe the republicans will then finally awake to the fact that there are enough liberals in the democrat party and for a republican to win, they need to nominate a real conservative with a vision to make a difference instead of a left-leaning, compromising republican who they think will appeal to "moderates" and "independents."

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