Saturday, June 21, 2008

Presidential Politics

Now that the primary season is over and we know who the nominees for president from each party will be, the candidates are at each other's throats. I don't mind a good debate, I like challenging debate; it makes people think, but what bothers me is WHAT they are debating. Most of what Senators Obama and McCain talk about should not be a president's concern. The Constitution clearly states the duties and powers of the president in Article II, which you can read here. It is sad how far the United States has come from the original intent of the founding fathers. Does anybody read the Constitution any more? And if they do read it, why do they not heed its contents?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Mike's New Job

Mike Huckabee has a new job. You've probably already heard about it. He's working as a political analyst for the Fox News Channel.