Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wisconsin and Washington

We have results from Wisconsin and Washington. John Sydney McCain III and Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. are the "choices" we will be handed come November. But... there's still time to make a difference! Although it is little acknowledged anymore, there are still other people running for the presidential nominations of the republican and democrat parties. On the republican side, Dr. Ron Paul, a congressman from TX, a strict constitutionalist (that's a good thing, by the way, to be a strict constitutionalist) and Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas who, although he is not as much of a strict constitutionalist as Dr. Paul is, has some good qualities. Mr. Huckabee wants to put the IRS out of business and instead use the Fair Tax (a national sales tax) to collect revenue. Oh, and on the democrat side, Mike Gravel is also still running. He's also for eliminating the IRS and instead using the Fair Tax, but that's the only thing I could find on his issue positions that I agreed with. And then of course, Hillary Rodham Clinton is still in the race, and could still easily get the democrat nomination. But does anyone really want to listen to her strident voice screaming at us for four years?

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