Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Tuesday?

I'm sure you all know the results of Super Tuesday. McCAIN proclaims himself the front-runner, Romney supporters accuse Huckabee of stealing votes that rightfully belong to Romney, and Huckabee, Romney, McCAIN and Paul all vow to stay in the race. There are still more states in which delegates will be chosen and there is already talk of a McCAIN/Huckabee ticket. I think such a ticket would be a boom for McCAIN and a bust for Huck if he really wants to be president someday. A vice president needs to support the president, and if a McCAIN/Huckabee ticket were, hypothetically speaking, elected in November, Huck would have to compromise for 4, maybe 8 years, because McCAIN has some pretty liberal ideas and he likes to buddy up with the democrats on some of their pet issues, after which, Huckabee would have lost his conservative appeal. He could say "bye-bye" to his current base of support.

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